“Mr. Obama has the historic opportunity to begin solving three of the nation’s most vexing problems: global warming, the thirst for oil and high gas pump costs.”

How? Obama should adopt tough car mileage rules, according to a New York Times editorial by Daniel Becker and James Gerstenzang: “Under standards that Mr. Obama set last year, cars and S.U.V.’s and other light trucks must reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 5 percent a year, resulting in a 35.5 m.p.g. national average in 2016. Now, the president is deciding how much to cut emissions through 2025. He has said the reductions will range from 3 percent to 6 percent. Automakers are pushing for the weakest standard and want the president to riddle it with loopholes. Americans want much better. A survey conducted in May for the Consumer Federation of America [pdf], for instance, found that 65 percent of Americans, including 62 percent of Republicans, supported a tough mileage standard– 60 m.p.g…It is the biggest single step the president can take against global warming — and its benefits go beyond that.” And it has to be a strict emissions standard, not loopholes.