Nov. 8-9, 2011
This SSTI CEO-to-CEO meeting focused on issues related to freight and land use confronting state DOTs and featured roundtable, executive-level discussions focused on the successes and challenges experienced by member states. Notes from the event are available for download here.
Meeting information
1. Agenda (2 pages)
2. Presenter bios: Tim Jackson, Rebecca Brewster, Teresa Adams, Emil Frankel (4 pages)
3. Participants (2 pages)
Tim Jackson – Transportation and Land Use: Thoughts for the State DOT
Rebecca M. Brewster – The Trucking Industry: The View from the Road
Teresa Adams – Freight and Transportation Considerations for State DOTs
SSTI information
1. Annual report (20 pages)
2. CEO webinar announcement (1 page)
Background materials for land use session
1. Land Use and Transportation Demand, Halstead/SSTI (2 pages). Between 1960 and 2000, as density decreased, travel rose. In the last 10 years, both trends reversed.
2. Land Use and Travel Trends, SSTI (1 page). Tracking per capita land consumption and VMT for SSTI states.
3. Policy Options to Improve Site Selection, SSTI (2 pages). SSTI is working with the Kansas DOT to increase locational efficiency of schools. This table lays out some policy options.
4. DelDOT 3-D Micro-Model, WRA/SSTI (8 pages). SSTI is working with DelDOT to develop a tool that will demonstrate the travel-demand outcomes from various land-use plans, for assistance to local planning and zoning authorities.
5. Harnessing Value for Transportation Investment, Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota (16 pages). In the streetcar era, land development paid for transportation improvements. Various policies still exist to capture the development value of land to cover transportation.
6. Plan Maryland Revised Draft Highlights, State of Maryland (4 pages). Maryland redoubles issue to foster smart growth, saving a projected $1.5 billion in infrastructure costs annually.
7. Land Use Context, PennDOT (4 pages). Instructions to PennDOT staff on operating speed and roadway design for various land use settings.
Background materials for freight session
1. U.S. Freight Selected Statistics, SSTI (2 pages). Mode splits by ton-miles and value, routings by tons.
2. State-by-state highway freight data, SSTI (3 pages/state). Highway freight loadings and projections, commodities, percentage of pass-through trucks. (Download all state reports here or individual reports below.)
- Arizona
- Delaware
- Iowa
- Maryland
- Michigan
- New Hampshire
- New York
- North Carolina
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- Tennessee
3. SSTI Snapshot: Heartland Corridor, SSTI (4 pages). Solving freight transportation challenges requires the coordination of many stakeholders. The $320 million Heartland Corridor rail clearance project, which was completed Sept. 9, 2010, exemplifies the type of coordination needed to solve these system-wide issues.
4. SSTI Snapshot: Short-line rail funding, SSTI (2 pages). A number of states currently provide assistance to railroads, shippers, and occasionally port authorities or communities in the form of low-interest loans, grants, or tax credits. In some cases, states have purchased rail lines and given operating rights to a private railroad.
5. Trucks and Infrastructure Maintenance Costs, SSTI (2 pages). Summary of studies looking at pavement damage and other costs.
6. Intelligent Transportation Systems and Truck Parking, U.S. DOT (21 pages). Research outline with background on trucker fatigue and parking problems.
7. Summary of State Use of Weight-Distance Tax,Iowa DOT (1 page). In order to equitably collect for infrastructure, at least four states use weight-distance taxes for trucks.
8. A Practical Approach to Truck VMT Fees, Delcan Corp., et al. (9 pages). Most trucks already collect and submit mileage data, and some states already tax based on distance. So moving trucks to VMT tax collection may be a good first step toward general distance-based assessments.
9. Conflicts between freight and other land uses/Barriers to efficient freight transportation, Envision Freight/TRB (12 pages). Matrix summarizing important issues.