Tracking State Transportation Dollars (Tri-State Transportation Campaign, 2012)

Tri-State Transportation Campaign’s 50-state analysis begins to answer questions about how transportation dollars are spent so the public can better un-derstand transportation priorities in their state. To do this, TSTC analyzed each state’s statewide transportation improvement program (STIP), categorizing each project listed in the document into one of nine categories.

  • new road capacity,
  • bridge capacity expansion,
  • road maintenance/minor widening,
  • bridge maintenance/replacement,
  • road or bridge project with bicycle/pedestrian components,
  • bicycle/pedestrian,
  • safety,
  • transit and,
  • other.

By categorizing the projects in each statewide transportation improvement program, TSTC was able to identify each state’s priorities. TSTC’s analysis also allows insight into transportation investment on a national level.
Download the report.