September 2012 Community of Practice meeting

September 13, 2012

This SSTI CEO-to-CEO meeting focused on issues related to interactions between state DOTs and cities and provided an opportunity for peer-to-peer interaction on the successes and challenges experienced by member states.

Briefing book sections can be accessed below:

Introduction and Contents


Presenter and Panelist Bios

Presentations and Related Materials

Land use and traffic congestion – Jennifer Toth, PE, State Engineer, Arizona Department of Transportation.

Increasing density, decreasing SOV travel demand – Lon LaClaire, Manager, Strategic Transportation Planning, City of Vancouver.

The Innovative DOT: A handbook on policy and practice – Roger Millar, Vice President, Smart Growth America and Eric Sundquist, Managing Director, SSTI.

Selected Readings

The Innovative DOT (excerpts) – SSTI and Smart Growth America, September 2012.

Land Use and Traffic Congestion (executive summary) – J. Richard Kuzmyak et al., for Arizona DOT, March 2012.

City of Vancouver Transportation Plan Update: A decade of progress (brochure) – City of Vancouver, B.C., October 2007.

The Life and Death of Urban Highways (excerpts) –  ITDP & EMBARQ, March 2012.

Engine of Prosperity – Christopher Leinberger, in American Conservative, August 2010.

Full Speed Ahead: NACTO Releases Second Edition of  Urban Bikeway Design Guide – NACTO, September 2012. With excerpt.

The Case for Congestion – John Norquist, in The Atlantic Cities, Dec. 15, 2011.

Overview of Climate-Related Provisions in the Federal Transportation Reauthorization Legislation, “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act” (MAP-21) – Georgetown Climate Center, September 2012.

A Survey of State and Local Transportation Revenue Sources (draft excerpt) – SSTI, forthcoming.