May 7-9, 2013
MAP-21 makes some substantial changes to the funding stream that has fueled pedestrian and bicycle projects around the country. Among the changes in the new Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP): combining previously separate programs, creating a sub-allocation requirement for MPOs and a population-based funding formula, and changing the entities that can apply for funding.
SSTI will hold a meeting for our partner states and invited MPO representatives to review the state of the program and focus on ways that DOTs and their local partners can select, design, and deliver the projects that best advance pedestrian and bicycle mobility and access.
The proceedings of the meeting are available here.
Materials for attendees:
Topic areas – to be prioritized and/or added to at meeting
The complete briefing book for attendees is available here.
Individual briefing book sections can be accessed below:
Overview of TAP under MAP-21
FHWA TAP Interim Guidance with FAQ
Infographic – SAFETEA-LU TE vs. MAP-21 TAP
Best practices and simplification
Bike-walk best practices for MPOs
Categorical Exclusions questions
Possible funding sources besides TAP
Possible fed funding sources for bike-walk projects
FHWA Fact sheet – Apportionment
Sample selection criteria and project guidelines
National TAP Clearinghouse -Sample Quantitative_Selection – 2012