SSTI Community of Practice – 2013

July 22-23, 2013

SSTI’s community of practice meeting was held July 22-23 in Detroit. Topics will include transportation funding and climate adaptation. The meeting is open to state DOT CEOs and is by-invitation to others.

Meeting Logistics

Final agenda


Panel: Adaptation and resilience in the face of severe weather events

Iowa DOT Response to Flooding Events – Stuart Anderson, Director of the Planning, Programming and Modal Division, Iowa DOT

From Recovery to Resilience – Lessons from Irene – Sue Minter, Deputy Secretary, Vermont Agency of Transportation

Superstorm Sandy: Repair. Rebuild. Reimagine. Resilience for our future. – Karen Rae, Deputy Secretary for Transportation, New York Governor’s Office

The Climate Resilience Gap – Lindene Patton, Chief Climate Product Officer, Zurich Insurance Group

Transportation Revenues

Finding Ways to Pay: 2013 State Transportation Funding and Finance Proposals – Jaime Rall, Senior Policy Specialist, Transportation Program, National Conference of State Legislatures

Whither the Federal transportation program? – Rohit T. “Rit” Aggarwala, Special Advisor to the Chair, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group and Environmental Program Lead, Bloomberg Philanthropies

The complete briefing book for attendees is available here.

Individual briefing book sections can be accessed below:

Presenter bios

Adaptation and Resilience

Irene Recovery Report: A Stronger Future -VTrans

From Recovery to Resilience: Lessons From Irene – Sue Minter, VTrans

Recommendations to Improve the Strength and Resilience of the Empire State’s Infrastructure – NYS2100 Commission

A Vision for Managing Natural Disaster Risk: Proposals for Public/Private Stakeholder Solutions – World Economic Forum

Unmitigated Disasters? New Evidence on the Macroeconomic Cost of Natural Catastrophes – Goetz von Peter, Sebastian von Dahlen, Sweta Saxena

Transportation Revenues (state)

Just in Time for the Holiday, 8 States Raise Gas Taxes – Ryan Holeywell, Governing

Transportation Funding and Finance – National Conference of State Legislatures

Transportation Revenues (federal)

Want Better Roads? Kill the Gas Tax – Rohit T. Aggarwala, Bloomberg

What do Americans Think About Federal Tax Options to Support Public Transit, Highways, and Local Streets and Roads? – Asha Weinstein Agrawal and Hilary Nixon, Mineta Transportation Institute

Old tax, new fees among options for highway funding – Adam Snider, Politico

Highway Robbery: How Congress Put Politics Before Need in Federal Highway and Transit Funding – Donna Cooper and John Griffith, Center for American Progress

SSTI reports

Reimagining a Legacy Transit System: Lessons from Wilmington, Delaware – Mary Ebeling, SSTI

Proceedings: Getting the Most out of the Transportation Alternatives Program – SSTI