Advancing Transportation and Health (National Center for Safe Routes to School, 2013)

Safe transportation and the health benefits of active travel are at the core of the Federal Safe Routes to School Program. This report reflects the approaches that the SRTS Program has used to advance transportation and health. It documents what was examined by the National Center for Safe Routes to School (National Center), which serves as the clearinghouse for the Federal SRTS Program, combined with input from State SRTS Coordinators and participants in the SRTS Roundtable on Transportation and Health. Lessons learned from the SRTS program could be useful to other agencies, both government and private, that are working to address how we travel in ways that are health promoting. State, regional and local organizations may also find these recommendations worthy of consideration. The National Center invited transportation and health professionals to examine the contributions that SRTS has made, and can continue to make, to transportation and health programs, regardless of SRTS’ place within transportation legislation and funding programs.
Download the full report.