Paradigm Shift: From LOS to VMT

July 30, 2014

A new California law calls for replacing Level of Service with Vehicle Miles Traveled in traffic impact analysis, supporting the state’s goals of encouraging infill development and mode shift. Panelists Kate White, Deputy Secretary for Environmental Policy and Housing Coordination, California State Transportation Agency; Chris Ganson, Senior Planner, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research; and Kome Ajise, Deputy Director for Planning and Modal Programs, California Department of Transportation, will discuss opportunities and challenges in implementing the new VMT metric.

The slides can be downloaded here.

A recording of the webinar can be viewed below.

In addition to the information in the webinar, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research is pleased to announce the release of updates to the CEQA Guidelines implementing Senate Bill 743 (Steinberg, 2013), as presented at the webinar. A copy of the preliminary discussion draft is available for review on the OPR website.