The materials from the first Sustainability Directors meeting, held June 10-11, 2015 in Sacramento, California, can be found below. The meeting explored topics related to implementing sustainable practices as well as the creation of a sustainability directors network. If you or someone in your organization is interested in attending future meetings, please contact Eric Sundquist,
Final Agenda
Full briefing book (35 mb)
Individual sections of the briefing book can be accessed below
Background materials for meeting
Organizational capacity for and understanding of sustainability
Developing measures
- SSTI draft working paper: Measuring transportation equity (5 pages)
- SSTI: Emerging accessibility metrics (2 pages)
- Caltrans strategic plan excerpt (5 pages)
Role of new data sources in enabling new measures, and making better decisions
See also “Demand management” below
Project selection
- VDOT/DRPT: Virginia H.B. 2 fact sheet (2 pages)
- ODOT: An introduction to Mosaic (4 pages)
- MassDOT: Project Selection Advisory Council Recommendations (4 pages)
- MTC: Making a compelling case (5 slides)
Green infrastructure
- Philadelphia: Green streets design manual (17 pages)
Energy efficiency and renewables
- MassDOT: Solar photovoltaic energy program overview (3 pages)
- Ameresco: Helping clients meet climate neutrality goals (8 pages)
- HDOT: Airports to go green (2 pages)
- Henderson, Nevada: Performance contracting in Nevada (video)
Climate resilience
Sustainability rating tools
- McVoy: Rating systems, rating utility (2 slides)
- FHWA: INVEST fact sheet (2 pages)
Design issues
- NACTO: Urban street design guide (4 pages)
- MassDOT: Project development and design guide (8 pages)
Demand management
Pricing, employer-based TDM, improved connectivity, last-mile solutions and other initiatives may help provide access to destinations while easing congestion and emissions.
- SSTI and StreetLight Data: Improving access to destinations with TDM and “Big Data” analysis (18 slides)
Multimodalism and cross-modal cooperation
While most state DOTs do not “control” transit or local street networks, they can work collaboratively with the agencies that do. Same with land use authorities.
Supplemental materials requested during meeting
1. Sustainability Maturity Model:
- Gary McVoy’s full presentation to Caltrans
- Maturity Model graphic from NCHRP 750
- Maturity model matrix
2. VMT
- Vehicle-Miles Traveled (VMT) Impacts on the Environment, Human Health, and Fiscal Health [draft] (Currey, Ganson, Miller, Fesler, 2015)
- Driving in America: Emerging Trends and Policies (2015 SSTI webinar with Norman Garrick speaking on the topic of VMT and economic recovery)
3. Economic impacts of transportation
4. Performance measures
5. Project selection
6. Climate
FHWA materials on how to integrate GHG reduction into planning and projects
- Model Language in Transportation Plans
- A Framework for Considering Climate Change in Transportation and Land Use Scenario Planning (A case study from Cape Cod)
- Toolkit for Integrating Transportation and Land Use Decision Making
- Handbook for Estimating Transportation Greenhouse Gases for Integration into the Planning Process
- Advancing a Sustainable Highway System: Highlights of FHWA Sustainability Activities
Other pages and documents
- Climate Communications and Behavior Change: A Guide for Practitioners (The Climate Leadership Initiative, 2010)
- Climate change resilience pilots (FHWA, 2010-2015)
- Revised Draft Guidance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change Impacts (Council on Environmental Quality)
- Top Ten GreenDOT Strategies [for MassDOT] (SSTI, 2014)
8. SB 743