Fall 2015 Community of Practice

November 4-5, 2015

SSTI’s fall 2015 Community of Practice meeting was held November 4-5, 2015. These meetings focus on peer-to-peer interaction between CEOs of state departments of transportation. The meetings allow attendees to share ideas and learn from one another’s experiences leading state DOTs. The meeting is open to state DOT CEOs and is by-invitation to others.



Background Materials


National Safety Council: Motor-vehicle deaths up 14% in first six months of 2015

Traffic deaths surge as Americans return to the roads

Traffic deaths preventable, WHO says in call for road safety

WHO Global Safety Report on Road Safety 2015

Study confirms that 10-foot lanes make safer intersections


What is accessibility and why should people care?

Overview of Virginia HB2

Evaluating Potential Performance Measures for Congestion and System Performance

SSTI grant application for transit accessibility study in Sacramento


Discussion topics: Policy Implications of Connected and Automated Vehicles

Using Open Transit Data to Understand How Ridesharing Complements Public Transportation

Road Transport Automation as a Public-Private Enterprise – EU-US symposium whitepaper


Billy Hattaway – FDOT Complete Streets & Bicycle/Pedestrian Focused Initiatives

Chris McCahill – Road Safety in the U.S.

Duane Manning – Protect the Queue

Nick Donohue – Accessibility and Trip Making

Matthew Martimo – Sugar Access for ARC GIS

Al Biehler – Vehiclular Technology Revolution

Amy Smith – Uber and Transit