September 12, 2017
Measures of destination accessibility by automobile and transit are growing in use. Virginia, for example, evaluates both in project prioritization. Yet measures of bicycle and pedestrian accessibility have taken longer to implement, largely because of added complexities and data deficiencies. People on bikes and on foot are much more sensitive to the types of facilities available, exposure to nearby traffic, and other factors for which there isn’t always good data. Join People For Bikes, Toole Design Group, and SSTI to learn how these challenges are being overcome and how the measures are being put use.
Jennifer Boldry from People For Bikes and Spencer Gardner from Toole Design Group discussed their new open source Bike Network Accessibility tool, and Chris McCahill from SSTI showed how pedestrian accessibility measures have been applied in Sacramento, Calif., Madison, Wisc., and Virginia.
Download the slides from this webinar.