Parking reform for 21st century communities: getting more out of public space

February 25, 2020

The Form-Based Codes Institute and the State Smart Transportation Initiative, programs of Smart Growth America, are hosting a webinar to explore how the reform of parking regulations can enhance our communities. A modern approach to parking policies, especially when integrated with form-based zoning standards, is helping cities create more walkable development and cut traffic, improve the public realm and housing affordability, and increase transportation equity. Speakers will discuss the steps that communities are taking to rethink parking policies that support livability, economic development, and multimodal transportation. Two case studies will be presented by planning and zoning professionals in Hartford, CT and Atlanta, GA, who have helped to catalyze parking reforms. They will describe new parking policies in these two communities and offer tips for how other communities can begin reforming their own parking regulations. Speakers include:

  • Sara Bronin, Chair, Hartford Zoning & Planning Commission
  • Eric Kronberg, Principal, Kronberg Wall
  • Chris McCahill, Deputy Director, State Smart Transportation Initiative