Managing travel demand through development rules

May 5, 2022

1 p.m. – 2 p.m.

As cities become more interested in limiting car traffic and supporting walking, biking and public transit, some are beginning to look at how land use policies, and specifically the development review process can move them closer to (or further from) those goals. Whereas most cities typically ask developers to provide ample parking and help bolster nearby road capacity, cities like Los Angeles and Madison are asking developers to build less parking, charge users for it, and take additional steps to ensure that fewer people drive to and from their buildings. This approach is outlined in SSTI’s Modernizing Mitigation handbook.

In partnership with Smart Growth America, SSTI invites you to a webinar featuring staff from both cities as they discuss their new programs and ongoing efforts putting them into practice. Our guests will be:

  • Alexander Wikstrom, Transportation Planning Associate, City of Los Angeles
  • Philip Gritzmacher, Transportation Planner, City of Madison