Thursday, November 17, 2022
11am PT, 12pm MT, 1pm CT, 2pm ET
Duration: 60 minutes
Implementing Complete Streets policies requires major shifts in framework and thinking compared to how most roads are now designed. After committing to a policy, agencies must often adopt new standards, incorporate new performance and accountability measures, and overcome other challenges in meeting longer term goals. Several states offer important lessons in advancing Complete Streets policy and practice.
In collaboration with Smart Growth America, we invite you to join us November 17 to discuss Advancing Complete Streets Among State DOTs. We will be joined by Celeste Gilman from Washington DOT, Nissa Tupper from Minnesota DOT, and Jackie DeWolfe from MassDOT who will share their best practices, challenges faced, and opportunities to make complete street policies more routine and systematic.
This webinar is eligible for AICP Credits.
Our session speakers:
Celeste Gilman, WSDOT
Celeste Gilman is the Strategic Policy Administrator based in WSDOT’s Active Transportation Division and has led the implementation of Complete Streets for state transportation projects since the passage of the new requirement in the Move Ahead Washington package. Celeste has held a number of roles at WSDOT, including Transportation and Land Use Policy Advisor and Deputy Director of the Regional Transit Coordination Division. Prior to joining WSDOT, Celeste led the University of Washington’s award-winning sustainable transportation programs, helping Huskies choose to use non-drive alone modes for 80% of their trips to campus. Celeste has over twenty years of experience in sustainable transportation and has shared her expertise locally, nationally, and internationally.
Nissa Tupper, MnDOT
Nissa Tupper (she/her), is the Transportation and Public Health Planning Director in the Office of Sustainability and Public Health at the Minnesota Department of Transportation. She works with partners to embed public health and equity practices into transportation decision-making. Her approach is informed by a diverse professional background in communications, landscape architecture, and public health.
Jackie DeWolfe, MassDOT
Jackie DeWolfe is the Deputy Secretary for Policy at the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. She is working to create a safe, equitable, and just transportation system in which everyone has mobility and access, and in which our streets support the local economy and improve quality of life for all.
Francisco Lovera, MassDOT
Mr. Lovera has over 17 years of transportation engineering experience specializing in traffic engineering and highway safety. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City, where he grew up. He started his career at MassDOT as a Traffic Engineer before working for the Rhode Island Department of Transportation managing the state’s Highway Safety Programs. Lovera was later president of the Rhode Island Chapter of Institute of Transportation Engineers. He returned to MassDOT as the State Complete Streets Engineer in 2022.