Using the “left digit effect,” a group of researchers slowed drivers’ speeds with a simple change on speed limit signs.
Traffic congestion vanished and more people died on the roads
Another deadly impact of COVID: even with fewer cars on the road, traffic deaths increased by 8% to more than 42,000 in total and deaths per mile driven increased by a staggering 24%. The solution is not more congestion, but instead safer streets.
How to change designs to aid color blind drivers
About 4-5% of the population experiences some level of color blindness. Differing shapes and patterns, in addition to color, can provide better road information to color blind individuals.
Study identifies 60 hotspots for pedestrian deaths in the U.S.
Researchers identified certain design elements, roadway features, land uses, and socioeconomic patterns near corridors with high frequencies of pedestrian deaths.
Fewer stop lines could help agencies save maintenance costs
A 14-year study from the University of Minnesota demonstrates that painted stop bars at intersections have little effectiveness in reducing collisions or influencing motorist stopping position.
Road Designers Can Protect Against Distracted Driving
Important new research shows that road design actually plays an important role in curbing the most dangerous consequences of distracted driving.
Using Jughandles to Reduce Bike Crashes at Railroad Crossings
A new study observed thousands of cycle movements at a heavy-rail crossing, before and after installation of jughandles. Most cyclists took advantage of the new design, which nearly eliminated crashes.
Transportation Advocates are Looking for Alternatives to Enforcement
Biking advocacy organizations are moving away from police enforcement as a strategy to improve roadway safety in light of the dangers and disproportionate financial burdens those strategies place on Black and Brown people.
Complete streets are slower and more human scale
A new study from Colombia demonstrates that infrastructure like pedestrian bridges can be ineffective at improving safety.
Continuing to Track Increases in Traffic Fatalities During the Pandemic
A new report from the National Safety Council (NSC) shows an increase in traffic fatalities despite a VMT slowdown.