A new study provides insights into what cruising-for-parking looks like on the ground.
U.S. Cannot Rely Solely on EVs to Reduce Climate Pollution
More research is emerging showing that EVs are not the “silver bullet” in reducing transportation climate emissions.
Half of New Traffic Congestion and VMT in San Francisco is Caused by TNCs
A new study shows that Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) like Lyft and Uber are major contributors to urban and suburban traffic.
In a Commuting Utopia, Efficient Housing Location Could Cut Travel by One-Third
A new theoretical study shows the importance of transit oriented development in reducing automobile trips.
“Travel budget” Needed to Meet Climate Goals
A recent study shows that even with significant EV adoption, a ‘travel budget’ is still required to achieve emissions reduction goals.
Continuing to Track Increases in Traffic Fatalities During the Pandemic
A new report from the National Safety Council (NSC) shows an increase in traffic fatalities despite a VMT slowdown.
Traffic fatalities stayed high even as people drove less
A recent analysis by the traffic engineering firm Sam Schwartz shows a sharp spike in 2020 for fatality rates in most states across the country.
Transportation impact assessments evolve to better meet multimodal and livable development goals
TIAs require too much new auto infrastructure, reducing walkability and safety, raising the cost of construction and subsequent rents, and inducing more traffic.
Zoning reform moving forward in Vermont
The Vermont State Senate recently unanimously passed zoning reform legislation that would support denser “missing middle” housing.
Flattening the curve: Telecommuting is likely here to stay, and that means less peak-hour traffic
Data on vehicle-miles traveled (VMT) and motor-vehicle trips suggest that peak hour travel – aka rush hour traffic, which is the basis for much of our highway system planning – will lessen, even as other travel rebounds.