The agenda and meeting materials from the June 14-15, 2016 meeting of state Sustainability Directors can be found here.
DOT Sustainability Network
2016 DOT Sustainability Network
June 14-15, 2016
Tennessee DOT and SSTI hosted a meeting for senior state DOT staff with key responsibilities for sustainability. The meeting both explored topics related to implementing sustainable practices and other topics suggested by the sustainability directors network.
Sustainability Directors meeting materials – June 10-11, 2015
The materials from the first Sustainability Directors meeting, held June 10-11, 2015 in Sacramento, California, can be found below. The meeting explored topics related to implementing sustainable practices as well as the creation of a sustainability …
DOT sustainability directors meeting
June 10, 2015
Caltrans and SSTI will host a meeting for senior state DOT staff with key responsibilities for sustainability. The meeting will both explore topics related to implementing sustainable practices as well as creation of a sustainability directors network.