March 1, 2022
State DOTs across the country are exploring ways to cut transportation emissions, partly by investing in transportation solutions that let people drive less. This webinar, presented by SSTI and Smart Growth America, features California and Colorado DOTs.
2020 COP: DOTs’ Role in Reining in VMT
November 16, 2020
Environmental, economic and social demands are increasingly pressuring transportation agencies to reduce the number and length of automobile trips. There is no single accepted playbook for reducing VMT, but research and advances in policy are providing ways forward.
2020 COP: How DOTs Can Advance Antiracism and Equity
November 5, 2020
Last year’s community of practice meeting focused on law enforcement – specifically how facility design and automated enforcement could reduce bias in transportation-related policing. Events of this year have only served to underscore how critically antiracist policy is needed. This session will explore ways DOTs can go beyond conventional practice to advance equity in the communities they serve and within their own organizations
2020 COP: Transportation and Land Use After COVID
October 13, 2020
The accelerated rise in working from home and shopping by mail will disrupt old patterns. As we have begun to see, peak hour, hub-and-spoke commuting may give way to more home-based trips spread throughout the day, affecting both driving and transit use. At the same time, a drop brick-and-mortar shopping could place different stresses on transportation networks and send some traditional commercial centers into decline.
Parking reform for 21st century communities: getting more out of public space
February 25, 2020
The Form-Based Codes Institute and the State Smart Transportation Initiative, programs of Smart Growth America, are hosting a webinar to explore how the reform of parking regulations can enhance our communities
2019 Community of Practice Meeting
November 19-20, 2019
SSTI’s 2019 Community of Practice meeting was held November 19-20 in Denver. COP meetings focus on peer-to-peer interaction between CEOs of state departments of transportation. These meetings allow attendees to share ideas and learn from one another’s experiences leading state DOTs. The meetings are open to state DOT CEOs and is by-invitation to others.
Transportation project prioritization: Hear from Virginia and Hawaii
July 10, 2019
State DOTs are moving toward more transparent, data-driven, and multimodal project prioritization and SSTI invites agency leaders to join the effort. Join SSTI’s Chris McCahill, to learn more about our upcoming work, along with Virginia Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment’s Chad Tucker and HDOT’s Ed Sniffen as they share lessons and visions for these innovative approaches.
Moving beyond LOS: The Pasadena story
January 25, 2019
The common practice of restricting infill development based on its impact on roadway level of service (LOS) has for decades depressed green, efficient compact development and induced energy-intensive, costly sprawl. Now many cities are moving to reform their land-use review process to lessen the emphasis on LOS, and instead to focus on system-wide impacts from development, as measured in vehicle-miles traveled (VMT)
Modern traffic mitigation for development in cities: Moving beyond LOS
October 29, 2018
Cities exist to provide people and firms with access to goods, services, employment, and other people. A mark of a city’s success is the clustering of complementary land uses to residents’ and businesses’ mutual benefit; the more people and activities within reach of each other, the greater the benefit from this accessibility. Join Eric Sundquist, SSTI Director; Ramses Madou, Transportation Planner with San Jose Department of Transportation; and moderator Beth Osborne, Senior Policy Advisor at Smart Growth America, for a lively discussion of the opportunities and challenges of moving from LOS to VMT and what steps are needed to make this shift work.
Getting the staff you need, and keeping them: TDOT’s story
September 5, 2018
This webinar will take you through the environment that Commissioner John Schroer and Chief Financial Officer Joe Galbato faced in Tennessee, and more importantly, what they did to combat these forces. The path taken in Tennessee required strong support from the top such as Governor Bill Haslam’s legislation from 2012. We look forward to sharing their story with you.