Community design and transportation infrastructure can be problematic for both younger and older community residents. This study examines how community design specifically affects drivers and pedestrians aged 75 and older.
Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program (Rails to Trails Conservancy, 2012)
Rails to Trails Conservancy issued a short synopsis of the results of the four-year Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program conducted in four communities across the U.S. It includes useful statistics such as change in bicycle and walking mode, number of miles of trails built, and number of pounds of CO2 saved.
Getting Results: Safe Routes to School Programs That Increase Walking and Bicycling to School (National Center for Safe Routes to School, 2012)
This guide offers brief summaries of eight programs that measured their walking and bicycling numbers and found an increase. The resource aims to assist and inspire Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs to measure student travel patterns to look for possible changes over time and measure the progress of their activities.
Safety-based Prioritization of Schools for Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Projects: A Process for Transportation Professionals (National Center for Safe Routes to School, 2012)
This guide describes a straightforward way to identify the schools and specific locations that have the greatest need for pedestrian infrastructure improvements around schools.
Reducing Costs in Kansas through Transportation Efficient School Siting (SSTI, 2012)
This report was produced by SSTI at the request of the Kansas Department of Transportation in order to better understand the implications of school site selection, particularly transportation-related costs, and how to improve the site selection process in Kansas. It provides a series of recommendations for improving the school site selection process in Kansas with a focus on increasing understanding and coordination between school districts and other levels of government that may be impacted by their decisions.
Reducing Costs in Kansas through Transportation Efficient School Siting (SSTI, 2012)
This report was produced by SSTI at the request of the Kansas Department of Transportation in order to better understand the implications of school site selection, particularly transportation-related costs, and how to improve the site selection process in Kansas. It provides a series of recommendations for improving the school site selection process in Kansas with a focus on increasing understanding and coordination between school districts and other levels of government that may be impacted by their decisions.
Dangerous By Design (Transportation For America, 2011)
Although nearly 12 percent of traffic deaths are pedestrians, little public attention – and even less in public resources – has been committed to reducing pedestrian deaths and injuries in the United States. This report outlines …
Promoting Bicycle Commuter Safety (Mineta Transportation Institute, 2012)
This report examines the “five Es” for increasing bicycle commuter safety, but focuses on education and engineering. Case studies from California and Portland, OR give first hand information about bicycle safety. Download the full report.
Active Transportation Beyond Urban Center (Rails to Trails Conservancy, 2012)
Biking and walking for transportation is not confined to large urban centers. This report examines the many benefits for rural areas and small communities when they invest in active transportation. An interactive map allows zooming …
Active Transportation Beyond Urban Center (Rails to Trails Conservancy, 2012)
Biking and walking for transportation is not confined to large urban centers. This report examines the many benefits for rural areas and small communities when they invest in active transportation. An interactive map allows zooming …