This guide describes a straightforward way to identify the schools and specific locations that have the greatest need for pedestrian infrastructure improvements around schools.
Reducing Costs in Kansas through Transportation Efficient School Siting (SSTI, 2012)
This report was produced by SSTI at the request of the Kansas Department of Transportation in order to better understand the implications of school site selection, particularly transportation-related costs, and how to improve the site selection process in Kansas. It provides a series of recommendations for improving the school site selection process in Kansas with a focus on increasing understanding and coordination between school districts and other levels of government that may be impacted by their decisions.
Reducing Costs in Kansas through Transportation Efficient School Siting (SSTI, 2012)
This report was produced by SSTI at the request of the Kansas Department of Transportation in order to better understand the implications of school site selection, particularly transportation-related costs, and how to improve the site selection process in Kansas. It provides a series of recommendations for improving the school site selection process in Kansas with a focus on increasing understanding and coordination between school districts and other levels of government that may be impacted by their decisions.
Cycling to work in 90 large American cities: New evidence on the role of bike paths and lanes (Beuhler and Pucher, 2011)
This article analyzes the variation in bike commuting in large American cities, with a focus on assessing the influence of bike paths and lanes, which have been the main approach to increasing cycling in the USA. Download …
Linking Community Visioning and Highway Capacity Planning (Strategic Highway Research Program, 2012)
This report is intended to help transportation agency practitioners assess the possibilities of community visioning efforts, identify practical steps and activities when engaging in visioning, and establish links between vision outcomes and transportation planning and …
Going the Distance Together: A Citizen’s Guide to Context Sensitive Solutions for Better Transportation (National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2012)
This guide is designed to help people ask the right questions at the right time during the transportation planning process in order to help ensure that transportation projects fit the context of their community. Download …
Going the Distance Together: A Citizen’s Guide to Context Sensitive Solutions for Better Transportation (National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2012)
This guide is designed to help people ask the right questions at the right time during the transportation planning process in order to help ensure that transportation projects fit the context of their community. Download …
Transportation and the New Generation: Why Young People are Driving Less and What it Means for Transportation Policy (Frontier Group and U.S. PIRG Education Fund, 2012)
A new report released today by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund and the Frontier Group demonstrates that Americans have been driving less since the middle of last decade. This trend away from …
Dangerous By Design (Transportation For America, 2011)
Although nearly 12 percent of traffic deaths are pedestrians, little public attention – and even less in public resources – has been committed to reducing pedestrian deaths and injuries in the United States. This report outlines …
Aging in Place, Stuck Without Options (Transportation for America, 2011)
By 2015, more than 15.5 million Americans 65 and older will live in communities where public transportation service is poor or non-existent. That number is expected to continue to grow rapidly as the baby boom …