Transportation strategies that reduce emissions and conserve energy and grouped into either “cleaner vehicles” or “mobility management” (VMT reduction and demand management.) This report examines the cost effectiveness of these two strategies. Download full report.
The Life and Death of Urban Highways (Institute for Transportation & Development Policy and EMBARQ, 2012)
Case studies of cities which have removed elevated urban highways, as well as an examination of why urban highways should be removed. Download the full report.
The BRT Standard (Institute for Transportation & Development Policy, 2012)
The BRT Standard is an effort by leading technical experts to come to a common understanding of what constitutes internationally recognized best practice in Bus Rapid Transit system design. The best BRT systems are ones that combine efficiency and sustainability with passenger comfort and convenience.
Prospering in Place: Linking Jobs, Development, and Transit to Spur Chicago’s Economy (Center for Neighborhood Technology, 2012)
This report presents a blueprint for revitalizing specific neighborhoods within the Chicago urban area by focusing on the transit and rail networks already in place. It calls for investment in the places with the best chance …
Prospering in Place: Linking Jobs, Development, and Transit to Spur Chicago’s Economy (Center for Neighborhood Technology, 2012)
This report presents a blueprint for revitalizing specific neighborhoods within the Chicago urban area by focusing on the transit and rail networks already in place. It calls for investment in the places with the best chance …
The Nature of Context-Sensitive Solutions, Stakeholder Involvement and Critical Issues in the Urban Context (Mineta Transportation Institute, 2011)
Many transportation and planning agencies experience conflicting demands emerging from the need to develop projects in an expeditious manner while at the same time involving stakeholders in the decision-making process. This study examines the issue in the …
Promoting Bicycle Commuter Safety (Mineta Transportation Institute, 2012)
This report examines the “five Es” for increasing bicycle commuter safety, but focuses on education and engineering. Case studies from California and Portland, OR give first hand information about bicycle safety. Download the full report.
NACTO Urban Bikeway Deisgn Guidebook (NACTO, 2012)
The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), has issued their Urban Bikeway Design Guide, a collection of the best in innovative bikeway treatments around the U.S. This is part of their Cities for Cycling …
Active Transportation Beyond Urban Center (Rails to Trails Conservancy, 2012)
Biking and walking for transportation is not confined to large urban centers. This report examines the many benefits for rural areas and small communities when they invest in active transportation. An interactive map allows zooming …
Active Transportation Beyond Urban Center (Rails to Trails Conservancy, 2012)
Biking and walking for transportation is not confined to large urban centers. This report examines the many benefits for rural areas and small communities when they invest in active transportation. An interactive map allows zooming …