Analysis in Sacramento

Connecting Sacramento

New tools and data sources have begun to change the way we think about and plan for meeting people’s transportation needs. Accessibility analysis lets us measure transportation performance in terms of people’s ability to reach destinations instead of simply how fast cars move or whether transit runs on time. Trip-making data, which come from smartphones, navigation devices, and GPS-enabled vehicles, let us understand people’s travel patterns and trip characteristics in detail without relying on costly travel surveys or complex travel demand models.

Connecting Sacramento is the first study to incorporate both technologies, including data from multiple sources, and assess how they can be used together to guide transportation- and land use-related decisions. This study focused specifically on opportunities to improve first- and last-mile connections to light rail transit in Sacramento, but its findings are widely applicable.

This study, led by the State Smart Transportation Initiative with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, was sponsored by TransitCenter with additional support from the Barr Foundation and Planet Bike. Partners include the Sacramento Council of Governments, the City of Sacramento, Sacramento Regional Transit, Caltrans, the Sacramento Downtown Partnership, Citilabs, StreetLight Data, and Teralytics.