Land Use Reports View all reports here. Review of PennDOT’s Smart Transportation. 2011. Land Use and Transportation Scenario Analysis and Microsimulation (LUTSAM) Tool. 2012. Reducing Costs in Kansas through Transportation Efficient School Siting. 2012. Getting the Goods Without the Bads: Freight Transportation Demand Management Strategies to Reduce Urban Impacts. 2013. VMT Inflection Point: Factors Affecting 21st Century Travel. 2013. Reimagining a Legacy Transit System: Lessons from Wilmington, Delaware. 2013. Re-Thinking the Urban Freeway. 2014. Effects of Parking Provision on Automobile Use in Cities: Inferring Causality. 2015. The Innovative DOT: A Handbook of Policy and Practice. 2015. Big Data and TDM in Northern Virginia. 2016. Trip-Making and Accessibility: New Tools, Better decisions. 2016. Connecting Sacramento. 2017. Accessibility in Practice. 2017. Modernizing Mitigation: A Demand-Centered Approach. 2018. Estimating Policy Effects on Reduced Vehicle Travel in Hawaii. 2019.