This synthesis explores the use of social media among transit agencies and documents successful practices in the United States and Canada. Social media provide transit agencies with an unparalleled opportunity to connect with their customers. Download …
best practices
Peer-to-Peer Information Exchange on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Bus Priority Best Practices (FTA, 2011)
The purpose of this effort has been to foster a dialogue among peers at transportation and planning agencies about their experiences with promoting public transit and, in particular, the challenges they face related to bus …
Recapturing Global Leadership in Bus Rapid Transit: A Survey of Select U.S. Cities (Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, 2011)
Bus Rapid Transit was first implemented in Curitiba, Brazil in 1974, and has become a global phenomenon in the twenty-first century. BRT holds great promise for the United States. This report outlines what it would take to …
The BRT Standard (Institute for Transportation & Development Policy, 2012)
The BRT Standard is an effort by leading technical experts to come to a common understanding of what constitutes internationally recognized best practice in Bus Rapid Transit system design. The best BRT systems are ones that combine efficiency and sustainability with passenger comfort and convenience.
The Nature of Context-Sensitive Solutions, Stakeholder Involvement and Critical Issues in the Urban Context (Mineta Transportation Institute, 2011)
Many transportation and planning agencies experience conflicting demands emerging from the need to develop projects in an expeditious manner while at the same time involving stakeholders in the decision-making process. This study examines the issue in the …
NACTO Urban Bikeway Deisgn Guidebook (NACTO, 2012)
The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), has issued their Urban Bikeway Design Guide, a collection of the best in innovative bikeway treatments around the U.S. This is part of their Cities for Cycling …
A bus by any other name
Since its introduction in 1974 in Brazil, bus rapid transit (BRT) has made big inroads in mass transit internationally. Cities find BRT systems attractive for the reasons noted by ITDP in Recapturing Global Leadership in …