Biking and walking for transportation is not confined to large urban centers. This report examines the many benefits for rural areas and small communities when they invest in active transportation. An interactive map allows zooming …
Active Transportation Beyond Urban Center (Rails to Trails Conservancy, 2012)
Biking and walking for transportation is not confined to large urban centers. This report examines the many benefits for rural areas and small communities when they invest in active transportation. An interactive map allows zooming …
Bicycling and Walking in the U.S.: 2012 Benchmarking Report (Alliance for Biking and Walking, 2012)
This 3rd biennial benchmarking report looks at data and policies in all 50 states and the 51 largest US cities to examine how they stack up for walking and biking. This is a useful tool for local and state officials that would like to improve conditions and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians, or to promote non-motorized transportation.
Long distances and a lack of sidewalks don’t explain the small number of kids walking to school
While the federal Safe Routes to School program has spent hundreds of millions of dollars in communities throughout the U.S. on sidewalks, crossings, and education to improve safety and increase the number of children walking …
Where we are today: Five-year trend from 2005 to 2010 shows less commuting by car
New Census data for 2010 show a gradual trend toward less commuting by car and truck, and more by transit, walking and biking. In the nation as a whole, driving to work edged down to …
Where are they going?
The reduction in VMT does not necessarily mean that people are traveling less.