Brookings report provides insight into the impacts of congestion on the freight industry

A new report from the Brookings Institution, and its associated interactive tool, study the flow of freight among U.S. metropolitan areas. The same metropolitan areas on which much of the nation’s freight system depends are also home to the most congested corridors. By graphically showing freight flows within the U.S., the report makes a strong argument that congestion in large metro areas interferes with interstate commerce.

Brookings Institution report documents growth of Amtrak vs. air travel in key markets

A March 2013 report by the Brookings Institution discusses the renaissance of American passenger rail and shows that ridership on Amtrak is at record levels and continuing to grow. Additionally, the report notes that Amtrak’s passenger growth was more than double that of domestic aviation (20 percent) since 1997. As a chart presented by FRA Administrator Joseph Szabo shows, rail is most competitive in corridors under 400 miles.

Banking on Infrastructure: Enhancing State revolving Funds for Transportation (Brookings Institution, 2012)

A new policy brief on state infrastructure financing, written by Brookings Transportation Senior Fellow Rob Puentes and Jennifer Thompson of Parsons Brinkerhoff, is a primer on how states can leverage public and private funds, including federal funds and loan programs, to finance state and local infrastructure projects.