Connected cars and data sharing to improve road safety?

Wide scale advancements in technology and data sharing has brought about a change in the decision-making process of many sectors, but this has until now mostly missed the auto industry. However, connected and autonomous vehicles are ready to break this wall and the “wave of attribution” is finally coming to driving behavior. A collaboration between Ford, Uber, and Lyft will share data over a common platform called SharedStreets and aims to improve roadway safety and curbside management.

In preparing for autonomous vehicles, agencies can make needed changes

The potential impacts of autonomous and connected vehicles on travel behavior and transportation system design have been the focus of much discussion and speculation. While it is still unclear what those impacts will be, the technology is advancing quickly, causing many states and transportation agencies to consider adaptations necessary to accommodate it.

The Connected Vehicle (World Road Association and International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies, 2012)

The advent of Intelligent Transport Systems has provided new opportunities for improving the safety and efficiency of the road network. The development of intelligent vehicles, connected by wireless networks to the roadside infrastructure, brings opportunities and issues which are discussed in this report.

With continued testing success, governments are embracing connected and self-driving vehicles

New legislation in California, a large-scale test in Michigan, and an on-road demonstration in Barcelona, Spain, bring the era of connected and autonomous vehicles closer to reality. Auto makers and NHTSA are partnering to assure interoperability, and the federal government weighs requiring emerging technology on new cars.