A federal judge in Wisconsin has issued a preliminary injunction halting a major urban freeway project and agreeing with community groups that low-income residents could suffer “irreparable harm” if the project moves forward. The groups contend that the project advantages wealthier auto commuters at the expense of poorer transit riders.
Disagreement over the environmental impacts of the Bayonne Bridge project
Two federal agencies, the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, do not agree on the assessment of the environmental impacts of raising the Bayonne Bridge between Bayonne, NJ, and Staten Island, NY. The disagreement primarily concerns the impacts on air quality and the resulting effects on the local communities.
Governor Abercrombie Approves Final Honolulu Rail Transit EIS
Hawaii’s Governor Abercrombie accepted the final environmental impact statement (EIS) for the proposed Honolulu Rail Transit project on December 16. With the governor’s acceptance, the City of Honolulu anticipates that the FTA will issue a …