This paper examines how various land use factors such as density, regional accessibility, mix and roadway connectivity affect travel behavior, including per capita vehicle travel, mode split and nonmotorized travel. This information is useful for …
mode split
Non-motorized pilot program reports show small investment can mean big changes
The final reports for the NTPP demonstrate that a small investment in infrastructure, education, and encouragement can make big change in the percentage of people that move about by walking or biking, The four pilot communities had dramtic results over the course of the five-year pilot program.
Non-motorized pilot program reports show small investment can mean big changes
The final reports for the NTPP demonstrate that a small investment in infrastructure, education, and encouragement can make big change in the percentage of people that move about by walking or biking, The four pilot communities had dramtic results over the course of the five-year pilot program.
Where we are today: Five-year trend from 2005 to 2010 shows less commuting by car
New Census data for 2010 show a gradual trend toward less commuting by car and truck, and more by transit, walking and biking. In the nation as a whole, driving to work edged down to …
NYC counts travel with greater detail.
Accurate figures about who is using the road, and the sidewalk, are one of the many elements in allocating transportation dollars. New York City is not content with the way the census counts how people …