The Minnesota Bicycle and Pedestrian Counting Initiative: Implementation Study (Center for Transportation Studies, 2015)

As part of an ongoing collaboration between the University of Minnesota’s Center for Transportation Studies MNDOT, this research report details the implementation of various types of automatic counters for nonmotorized traffic and assess how to estimate average daily and miles traveled.

Nonmotorized transportation pilot program: Developing performance measures and future needs

While FHWA, DOTs, and MPOs have worked diligently to establish performance measures for highway, transit, and freight operations—as directed in MAP-21—specific performance measures for the nonmotorized modes included in the Transportation Alternatives Program have been slower to emerge. A newly released report from the four Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program communities offers an important effort at establishing performance measures for bicycle and pedestrian investments and identifies new directions for developing robust metrics to support funding decisions for nonmotorized investments.

Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program (Rails to Trails Conservancy, 2012)

Rails to Trails Conservancy issued a short synopsis of the results of the four-year Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program conducted in four communities across the U.S. It includes useful statistics such as change in bicycle and walking mode, number of miles of trails built, and number of pounds of CO2 saved.