Transportation accounts for 2/3 of the nation’s oil consumption and produces between ¼ and 1/3 of all the CO2 emitted from the nation’s energy consumption. TRB established a special committee of experts to explore policy …
A less mobile future for America’s baby boomers
A new report by Transportation for America, Aging in Place, Stuck without Options: Fixing the Mobility Crisis Threatening the Baby Boom Generation, investigates the growing problem of senior citizens who, having lived in car-dependent communities …
A bus by any other name
Since its introduction in 1974 in Brazil, bus rapid transit (BRT) has made big inroads in mass transit internationally. Cities find BRT systems attractive for the reasons noted by ITDP in Recapturing Global Leadership in …
Road pricing: Guidelines for analysis and for communication with the public.
TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 686: Road Pricing: Public Perceptions and Program Development explores road pricing concepts and their potential effectiveness and applicability. The report has a dual mission: creating guidelines for …