As the demand for ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft is exploding in many U.S. cities, pick-ups and drop-offs in high-traffic locations with limited curb space can create safety and congestion concerns for passengers, drivers and other street users such as bicyclists. Cities are beginning to experiment with solutions by creating dedicated zones for pick up and drop off of passengers.
BlaBlaCar now an option in Google Maps transit, but not in the U.S.
If you are looking at options for intercity travel, Google Maps transit tab will tell you which buses or trains you can use. And now you can also see BlaBlaCar as an option. But don’t look for that option in the U.S., because the city-to-city ridesharing app is not available here. Why has non-commercial ridesharing not caught on in the U.S.?
Study finds dynamic ridesharing can boost TDM effectiveness
In a newly released report from the Mineta Transportation Institute, researchers found that ridesharing might actually reduce VMT in the San Francisco Bay area by as much as 23 percent over the long run—more than land use, transit, and VMT-pricing policies alone. The researchers also tested how TOD and pricing might affect demand for battery electric vehicles.
California first state to regulate ridesharing
California has become the first state to regulate these services and has preempted the ability of local jurisdictions to impose their own rules. The California Public Utilities Commission has set insurance and safety regulations that would allow the services to continue under a new category known as a Transportation Network Company.
California first state to regulate ridesharing
California has become the first state to regulate these services and has preempted the ability of local jurisdictions to impose their own rules. The California Public Utilities Commission has set insurance and safety regulations that would allow the services to continue under a new category known as a Transportation Network Company.