FL city tickets black population, misses on pedestrian safety

A new report by ProPublica and the Florida Times-Union details how efforts to ostensibly improve pedestrian safety in a Florida city consistently ranked as one of the most dangerous places to walk in the U.S. have actually resulted in inequitable ticketing of the city’s black population. The report points out that this is especially unfortunate because the same black and low-income neighborhoods where a majority of tickets were issued also lack safe pedestrian facilities: transit access is poor and many bus stops do not sidewalk connections.

Update: St. Louis area variable speed limits come down

Missouri DOT is removing 70 variable advisory speed limit signs on I-270 and I-255 mentioned in the October 14th edition of SSTI News. Although a recent report indicated that similar signs have been having a positive effect on congestion in the Minneapolis area despite drivers’ general disregard for the speed limits, MoDOT has decided to remove the signs to lower operating costs and reduce confusion.