, a parking, traffic and public transportation real-time information application for mobile smartphones, won a $10,000 prize from New York City for the best new app. Not only does it help you find a parking …
Walk or drive and see how much it costs for gas.
MapQuest’s gas pricing tool gives gas prices for your town and nationally. As of April 11, the lowest priced gas is $3.19 in Mt Holly, NJ and the highest price tops out at $5.04 in …
Walk or drive and see how much it costs for gas.
MapQuest’s gas pricing tool gives gas prices for your town and nationally. As of April 11, the lowest priced gas is $3.19 in Mt Holly, NJ and the highest price tops out at $5.04 in …
Casual car sharing meets the app age
Although casual car sharing has a long history, “The rise of cellphones and now smartphones has brought a whole new dimension to the process. Piggybacking on the casual-carpool model, Web sites and smartphone apps have …
What will this tell us about boomer drivers?
Researchers at MIT have developed a suit – an actual garment – that mimics the effect of aging on the body. As described in “A Graying Population Spells Business Opportunity”: “The age-empathy suit comes from the …
Getting from Point A to Point B
Using insiders as well, cities and states are creating communication tools to make sure that their citizens know what transportation options are available to them. A video for Idaho, is available at the I-way web …
“Our apps are whiz kid certified.”
New York City touts the transit technology created by outsider whiz kids when it switched to an open data policy.
Warning system shows potential for alleviating crashes at dangerous rural intersections
From the University of Wisconsin, a note about ongoing research states that: “In 2005, more than 9,200 Americans died in intersection crashes, and nearly half of those crashes occurred at rural intersections,” quoting Madhav Chitturi, an …