New transit stations don’t have to mean gentrification or displacement

Major transit investments like new light rail lines or stations can transform neighborhoods and cities — in certain respects, that’s the point. The new infrastructure can make a city more vibrant and accessible to all, while encouraging the development of more walkable neighborhoods that make it easier to get around without a car, reduce emissions, and improve safety. But planners can take steps to ensure those benefits are shared among everyone, not just younger professionals or affluent newcomers.

Leveraging parking supply to achieve TOD goals

Getting parking availability and pricing right can be a crucial element in a community’s plan to meet its transit ridership goals; and it can be the critical difference between successful transit-oriented development and failed TOD, sometimes known as transit-adjacent development. States and cities operating park and rides at transit nodes should consider TOD for sites where TOD could help achieve goals for economic development and greater mode shift to transit.

The Shifting Nature of U.S. Housing Demand (The Demand Institute, 2012)

The Demand Institute believes that a housing market recovery has begun, but this recovery will be different from previous ones because of new market conditions and expectations. These differences may impact transportation planning as commuting and non-work travel patterns change.

Southern California Association of Governments adopts strong sustainability plan

On April 3, the Southern California Association of Governments unanimously adopted a 25 year transportation plan that focuses on transit, road maintenance, walking, biking, sustainability, land use, and reduction of greenhouse gases. Local officials and citizen’s groups alike hailed it as a significant change in strategy for a region notorious for clogged freeways and the worst air quality in the nation.

Reinventing the Urban Interstate: A New Paradigm for Multimodal Corridors (TRB, 2011)

This report’s objectives are to evaluate the potential for rehabbing and rebuilding sections of interstate highways in urbanized areas to serve multimodal transportation facilities and to develop strategies to implement these plans. Download the full …